PWA Installer - Zero-configuration for installing PWA features.

Zero-configuration for installing PWA features.

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Why it's awesome

Zero-configuration for installing PWA features. Although sw-precache works great as a light-weight tool to quickly install service worker support, it currently does not provide much functionality for installing specific "features".



Install with npm

$ npm i pwa-installer

Install with Yarn

$ yarn add pwa-installer

Run with npx (without installing)

$ npx pwa-installer

Note: Install this npm package with the flag -g or --global for global use. Install with the flag -D or --save-dev for add the package as a devDependency of your project.


$ pwa-installer --help


    $ pwa-installer [] []


    -h, --help              Display help information
    -v, --version           Output version
    -c, --config              Display help information


    $ pwa-installer
    $ pwa-installer dist/index.html
    $ pwa-installer dist --config=pwa.config.js

Note: Directory is required


Want to contribute? Follow these recommendations.

Designed with ♥ by CJ Patoilo. Licensed under the MIT License.