Bowerless - Generate bundles from npm dependencies.

Generate bundles from npm dependencies.

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Why it's awesome

This library reads the package.json files for each of those dependencies. Based on these connections, it will generate a bundle of the master files.

Note: For now only works with JavaScript and CSS files.

Getting Started

Install with npm

$ npm install -g bowerless

Note: Install this npm package with -g to global use or with -D to add the package as a devDependency in the package.json file of your project.


$ bowerless dist vendors


$ bowerless --help


    $ bowerless   []


    -h, --help              Display help information
    -v, --version           Output version


    $ bowerless
    $ bowerless dist vendors


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Designed with ♥ by CJ Patoilo. Licensed under the MIT License.